Personal Projects

“Take a Break”

This rotoscope animation was inspired by zoom fatigue and TikTok dances. A gentle reminder to get up and take a break every once in a while...🕺🏽


A poster design using the concept of instant gratification. A reflex that can be so toxic to creative practice but has become such a natural instict as a result of social media. I envision this poster living in a city as a point of reflection for those that interact with it. 


This was a design course project focusing on the functions of digital design and typography to integrate information, create legibility, sequence, lend ‘voice’, and bestow credibility.

Selecting two short prose texts of my choice, I experimented with layout, type, and composition to best bring light to my vision of a creative booklet. “How to Creatively Optimize Health” is a wellness booklet for creatives.

Below are a few sample pages, but you can view the full PDF version here.